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Thursday, 13 March 2025

información Adicional

  • El programa de Radio se transmite todos los sábados de 3:00 PM a 4:00 PM por Pura Vida 92.9 FM Santo Domingo y 96.7 FM Región Norte, República Dominicana.

  • También es transmitido a través de Facebook, Canal de YouTube y Canal SITV (Canal 38 – ALTICE y ÉXITO VISION, Canal 1 – TVO WIND TELECOM, Canal 30 TELECABLE CENTRAL y STARCABLE, Canal 60 – CLARO TV).

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Delicious Anus Chocolates

Introducing The Disgustingly Hilarious Gift You *Should* Have provided the Valentine

The Story

For just $38.95 plus delivery, you can provide the lover many candy sweets you’d have to be an ass not to love. Let us check-out how it operates, shall we?

The Snapshot singles dating

The Lesson

I believe that which we all need to learn using this brilliant gift is that the internet is a beautiful wasteland of development. So if you all messed up on V-Day and don’t get her what she truly wanted… here is your path to salvation.

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